Monday, March 3, 2014

SpReAd The Love Book Challenge: Tenth Post!

Today we've had four posts in our SpReAd The Love Children's Book Challenge from all over the place. The first is from Obscura's daughter, the very glam Mini-Me, who granted her public a rare interview to talk about Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder at Ancient Armitage. Frequent commenter MaryJaneZigZag was hosted by Zan at Well, There You Go... talking about
The Boyhood of Grace Jones by Jane Langton. Marie Astra from Obsessive Behavior joined us to remember Five Little Peppers and How They Grow by Margaret Sidney from her childhood. And then everybody's favorite *ooof*er Guylty (and her friend Alice) recommended The Story of the Little Mole Who Knew it was None of his Business by Werner Holzwarth and Wolf Erlbruch over at GUYLTY PLEASURE. Did you know there's a, um, Plop-Up version of that book? Thanks to all of you who posted today!
If you're not sure what I'm talking about, this challenge is the first Obscura and I threw out as part of SpReAd The Love. All you have to do is donate a children's book that meant something to you when you were a child to a school, library, literacy program, children's hospital, family crisis center, Ronald McDonald House (the list is truly endless, use your imagination) or to  a young friend or family member. A few bloggers are posting about it and if you'd like to post we'd love to have you join us. If you don't have a blog of your own several bloggers -- FedoraLady, Perry, Prue Batten, Servetus, Snicker'sMom, Zan and of course Obscura and I -- have opened their blogs to hosting guest posts. The target date for posts is March 2, since that's Dr. Seuss's 110th birthday, but we're flexible and posts up to March 7 and maybe a little after will count. Each donation -- the book is one, the post is one and the blog hosting is one -- counts as a kindness in SpReAd The Love and each kindness counts as $1US out of the pocket of our anonymous co-conspirator for March and April up to $200US to be donated to charities supported by Richard Armitage via JustGiving. We maxed out our donor for January and February with a week to go and I'm sure we can do it again.

If you decide to join us for this event please email me at funkybluedelphinium at gmail dot com with the subject line DR SEUSS so that we can count your kindness. Other posts so far in this series include (in chronological order)

Trudy Brasure, hosted by Gratiana Lovelace at Something About Love (A)
Servetus at Me+Richard Armitage
Perry at ArmitageAgonistes
KatharineD, hosted by Perry at ArmitageAgonistes
Micra1, hosted by Perry at ArmitageAgonistes
Rosiepig, hosted by Servetus at Me+Richard Armitage
Obscura at Ancient Armitage
Prue Batten at Prue Batten's Blog
Mine right here at FunkyBlueDandelion
FedoraLady at The Armitage Effect
Gratiana Lovelace at Something About Love (A)
Zan at Well, There You Go...

You don't have to write a post if you're too shy, donating a book or books is fine, too, but be sure to let us know so that we can count your contribution. Thanks to everyone who's supported this effort so far!


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